
I hope it is feeling wonderful and a bit scary that you are here and have decided to apply for a scholarship with Humanity Shared. Asking for help or support is a courageous and significant practice. It means you are getting clearer about belonging on this planet and to yourself and that you are ready to move to the next place. We feel committed to supporting you and helping you with that clarity.

Before proceeding to the application, we ask that you read our scholarship criterion below with honest and soft ears.  If it feels like a fit for you we encourage you to apply and move forward!

Financial Assistance
Due to the thoughtful generosity of some past alumni of our programming, we offer both Full and Partial scholarships are available. All people with financial need are encouraged to apply. Our programs value diversity in gender, age, race, ethnicity, ability, and sexuality.  We especially welcome:

* Applicants who represent multiple intersecting minority identities;
* Applicants facing clear financial barriers to access a leadership training, workshop or retreat;
* Applicants with an established track record of engagement in their local community;
* Applicants who express a clear plan to generate positive change in their communities.  

Each financial assistance application is assessed by our scholarship committee which considers many factors, including, but not limited to:
● Financial need
● Circumstances that bring you to this moment in time
● Commitment to your personal growth
● Diversity you bring to the group

*In addition to the completed application, we request a letter of recommendation from a friend/colleague in support of your application for assistance as well as your participation in the retreat.  Your application cannot be considered complete and be sent on for review without this recommendation.
Please email this letter to kelliebrown@humanityshared.com

Our angel investors and sponsors want to know if and how this program impacted you. If you are offered a scholarship for a course, workshop, retreat etc, we request something genuine from you. A thank you to your sponsor, a video testimonial, a public talk shared with us, a way you can let us know that this program made a difference.   

We are so happy you are taking these steps and we are grateful to help support you.  Please reach out to Kellie directly if you have any questions regarding the commitment or application. kellie@humanityshared.com 

Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you. -

The Leadership Team at Humanity Shared