Coaching With Taylor White Moffitt

“As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself. The critical issue is allowing yourself to know what you know. That takes an enormous amount of courage.”

— Bessel A. Van der Kolk

I’ve worked with humans in a multitude of capacities: as a therapist, retreat leader, yoga and mindfulness teacher, leadership facilitator, and now coach. What’s clear to me is that there is a great deal of suffering, both in the world and in the humans that live in it. Most of what we are given for information as to how to work with that are hacks, quick fixes, and promises to “get rid of the suffering.“ Trust me, if there was a hack or a shortcut to get rid of the suffering, I would direct you to it immediately! 

Instead, coaching for me is about helping you learn how to live in your body and the world with all its limitations and stresses, while learning to tend to your nervous system wiring - be it anxious, depressed or shut down. I have so many tools and practices to offer you to know yourself, and to learn to attend to yourself while living your best life. They will take some effort, they will take some patience and love, and the best part?  They will create lasting change, rather than a short term distraction or frosting on dog shit.