Our Scholarship Fund was established to make the transformative power of yoga, mindfulness and mental health accessible to all beings with a strong commitment to serving the BIPOC and other underserved communities. This fund is for those whose financial situation or circumstantial hardship prevents them from attending our programming. Our offerings provide an opportunity to set aside old stories and habits in order to feel more empowered and alive and who feel a strong call to know themselves. This fund is generously supported by donations from past and current participants, including some recipients of financial assistance. 

If your financial situation prevents you from attending a program with us, we want to hear from you. Our application committee reviews each request for financial assistance based on need, other circumstantial hardships, motivation, interests and the availability of our funding.


I have it all figured out. I have all the answers. I never feel doubtful. If these statements apply to you then applying for a retreat scholarship is not for you.

However, if you’re fully human like most of us, you have doubts and concerns and questions. You may not even feel worthy of applying for a scholarship to support your own personal practice and growth. We are here to tell you that the time is now. The opportunity is yours. Take your first step on the path of courage and transformation. Apply for the scholarship. You are the very reason why we created a scholarship program. Together, we’ve got this.


Have you been given privilege or good fortune? Do you have a goodness inside you that you want to give away? Every year we get requests from students looking to transform their lives and be the best humans they can be, however, they are limited financially. If you are in a position to make someone else’s life more meaningful, please do. We humbly and gratefully put your donations right into the hearts, feet and lives of students all over the world. We would be so grateful if you want to be a part of that in a small or big way.



To send an offline donation, please mail a check or money order payable to The Give Back Yoga Foundation to:

The Give Back Yoga Foundation

C/O Humanity Shared

900 Baseline Road, Cottage 13B

Boulder, CO 80302

Please note the name of your program in the memo line to mark your donation specifically for Humanity Shared.

Humanity Shared is proud to be supported by the Give Back Yoga Foundation, a national and not-for profit 501(c)(3) that brings the transformative power of mindfulness and yoga to underserved populations.


Check out our offerings!